Your Recipe
I think I am a decent cook, but I know that I am not a great cook. I have been known to burn things a time or two and make stupid mistakes when I am cooking. Part of my problem is that I try and multi-task and I get distracted. If I had a dollar for every time I get distracted while I am cooking and then suddenly remembered I had something on the stove I would be a much wealthier woman. Another one of my problems with cooking is that I am not very adventurous. I have about 2 or 3 seasonings that I use on almost everything I make and I tend to make the same things over and over. If you come to my house for dinner chances are we are going to have lasagna. It is my go to company food. I know how to make a good lasagna, and know my recipe by heart. I always think I will try and be more adventurous with my cooking, but when I pull up recipes if they have more than about 5 ingredients, I usually just skip on to the next one. Every onc...