
Showing posts from July, 2014

Your Recipe

          I think I am a decent cook, but I know that I am not a great cook. I have been known to burn things a time or two and make stupid mistakes when I am cooking. Part of my problem is that I try and multi-task and I get distracted. If I had a dollar for every time I get distracted while I am cooking and then suddenly remembered I had something on the stove I would be a much wealthier woman. Another one of my problems with cooking is that I am not very adventurous. I have about 2 or 3 seasonings that I use on almost everything I make and I tend to make the same things over and over. If you come to my house for dinner chances are we are going to have lasagna. It is my go to company food. I know how to make a good lasagna, and know my recipe by heart. I always think I will try and be more adventurous with my cooking, but when I pull up recipes if they have more than about 5 ingredients, I usually just skip on to the next one. Every onc...

Safe Place

            This has been a crazy summer. In the last several weeks, we have had two storms that have damaged trees and buildings in our small town. When the storms come, one of the first things we do is turn on the television and check the local weather to see what they are saying. When there is a severe thunderstorm or tornadic weather, the meteorologist usually says something like, “You need to go to your safe place.” This means find the safest place in your home and go there.             Living in “tornado alley” we are trained from the time we are in grade school to have a plan for the storm. We even have drills in school to make sure we know exactly where to go and exactly how to act when the alarm sounds and the storm begins. In our day to day lives, we face many kinds of storms- some severe and some that are just a quick burst. What do we do when these storms of...

Can you handle the truth?

          Watching movies with my husband can sometimes be “enlightening”. He is a very practical kind of guy and when there are things in the movie that either don’t make sense or are totally improbable, he likes to point it out. I think that is one reason he likes the show Myth Busters. On this show, they take myths and things that happen in movies and prove whether they could really happen or not. One of the lines used in the show is, “I reject your reality and substitute my own”. While in the show he really does do that, when I hear that, it makes me think of a verse from Psalms.           Psalm 119:29 says, “Keep me from lying to myself, give me the privilege of knowing your instructions.” David knew how easy it was to lie to himself. He knew as King he could have pretty much anything he wanted and he didn’t really have to answer to anyone here on earth. We see this come into play in the...