But I want it now!

As I have gotten older I realize that I am not as patient as I used to be. Over the last few months my family and I have driven to a few family reunions and I have noticed after being in the car a short time I am more than ready to be there. On the last trip my husband didn’t get to go and I was talking to him about how weary I was from being in the car and he said I was getting cranky in my old age. As I think back on that statement I think two things: one he is right and two he is brave. I think he felt brave enough to say it since he knew he was a couple hundred miles away from me and I had several days to forget what he said before I saw him again. We used to drive 12 hours straight through to see his family, but now I get in a car for more than 3 hours and I want to whine. Another area I find I can get impatient and I think I am not alone is being patient with God. We want God to do ...