Having Wisdom in our Thoughts

This week in our series on fixing our thoughts we are going to focus on the word “pure.” When we read the list in Philippians 4:8 and we come to the word pure, we might think of it with a sexual connotation, because that is how it is mostly used in our world today. We may even think we are off the hook because we do not feel we are doing anything wrong in that area of our lives. Being pure is about so much more than that. When we look at the Greek word in this verse it is “hagnos”, which means pure, chaste, clear, pure from carnality, modest, and clean. So while it can be a part of how we handle ourselves in our relationships, it goes much deeper. There are several other verses that use this same word and we can gain a better understanding by looking at them. 1 Timothy 5:22b says, “Do not share in the sins of others. Keep yourself pure.” This is actually harder than we might think. How often do we sit around with people and listen to the stories they share in jest of things they ...