Do you ever feel like you are unimportant? Worthless? That everyone else has a much greater calling than you do? In Acts, we read how the church was growing so large that the apostles could no longer handle everything that needed doing. They ended up having 7 others come alongside them to help them so that they could contribute to studying and preaching. The people who joined them were in charge of making sure things ran smoothly and that everyone was getting their needs met. It could seem like the apostles' job was the most important, but as I read this I realize that wasn't the case. Acts 6:7 starts with the word "so". That tells us that what is coming next is the effect of what happened before. It says, "so God's message continued to spread. The number of believers greatly increased...". We all have a part to play. There is not a single gift that God has given you that is wasted in the body of Christ. You NEED to use your gift to help increase the b...