Lately, I've been really diving into the Old Testament and something that's been standing out to me is when God reveals himself as Yahweh in Exodus. In Exodus 3, God tells Moses "I am that I am" and in verses 14-15, He says "I Am Who I Am" in Hebrew, 'ehyeh 'asher 'ehyeh. This wordplay is like God is saying that the one who promises to be with Moses is also the one who sends him. Later, God shortens this to simply "I Am," which is translated as Yahweh in some versions. God tells Moses that this is the name he wants to be known by forever. Yahweh represents God's character and reminds us that He is a personal God. In chapter 6, Yahweh speaks to Moses again and gives him 7 "I will" statements. These statements were specific to the Israelites at that time, but since Yahweh's name is forever, we can also learn about His character and apply it to our own lives. The 7 "I am" statements are: I will bring you out of ...