True Worship

Have you ever noticed that everyone thinks their way is the right way? We have a tendency to think because it is the way we like it or are used to it, it is the best or only way. When I had kids, I started turning my silverware tray upside down of how most people have it. I put it this way so that the little tray that is usually at the back of the drawer is at the front, because that is where I put the kids’ little spoons and forks and it was easier for them to reach. One time I had company, and I went to get something out of my drawer and noticed that someone turned the silverware tray back the direction “it was supposed to be”. I turned it back the way I liked it in my kitchen, and sure enough later I went back and someone had changed it again. This person really couldn’t handle the fact that I had my silverware tray the “wrong” way. After a few times of slamming the drawer closed in my passive aggressive style- trying to make...