God can redeem what seems to be unredeemable

Let's face it, Rona has messed a lot of things up. The stress level of many has reached epic proportions. So many parents now not only have to make the normal decisions that come with raising children, they have to make decisions that seem almost impossible. Do they send their children to school? Do they have them learn virtually? Do they switch to homeschooling? How do they keep their children as safe as theycan, while still providing for their every day needs? It is easy to ask in a time like this if God is there and if he is listening. We see in Roman's 8:28 that God promises to work all things to good for those that love Him. During this time it seems almost impossible to believe anything good can come from this, but there are good things still around us. In order to find them we have to be careful what we are listening to, watching, and saying. This week I have realized that I have to really guard my heart in this area. So ...