Exhausted. Frustrated. Overwhelmed. I think that these words describe so many people right now. We have so many expectations that we put on ourselves or that others place upon us and at times it feels that we cannot keep up. During this COVID pandemic so many things have required adaptation. Some things have been good for some people. There was a part of this season where I was able to really take time to dig into the Word and attend some online conferences that were really a blessing. Now I find myself having to work at not feeling like I am drowning under the expectations that are coming at me in life. As a teacher, trying to teach in person students and distance learning students at the same time, it seems like there are not enough hours in the day. We have to do our best to do two jobs at one time, and honestly there is no easy way to do it. In fact many occupations are going through this I am sure. We often want to do everything perfec...