Peace is something we all want, yet often we don’t feel like we have. How many of you have craved peace this last 14 months? I know I have. We live in this world that feels the opposite of peaceful. Between the pandemic, political divisiveness, hatred, and arguing- it is hard to feel peaceful. Maybe it isn’t even those things causing the problem. Maybe it is the laundry, the dishes, the kids teething, or dealing with teenage angst. Life is hard and peace can be hard to find. But God! Isaiah 26:3 says “You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you.” These verses tell us that God will keep us in perfect peace. That sounds nice. We may even know it mentally, but sometimes we do not feel it experientially. When I read the Bible I love to look up the Hebrew and Greek meanings of words. It just gives it a deeper sense of richness to me. When it says “keep” in the Hebrew- some of the synonyms listed are guard, watch over, protect, maintain, an...