
Showing posts from July, 2021
So many days life seems absolutely overwhelming. We often think after our current season of life it will get easier. Whether it is raising babies, stressful jobs, money issues, worries about health and COVID, or maybe it is all of them at once- life can feel overwhelming. When we think of being overwhelmed we often think of it in a negative way. We equate being overwhelmed with feeling like everything is too much to handle. I find myself here more often than I would like to admit. But in Isaiah 61:10 we see being overwhelmed in a different light. Isaiah says, “I am overwhelmed with joy in the Lord my God!” The verse goes on to use imagery from a wedding to describe this feeling of overwhelming joy. When I go to a wedding I always love when the bride comes in, but I have a tendency to look at the groom while most everyone else is looking at the bride. One of my favorite parts of a wedding is to see the groom's reaction when he sees his beloved coming down the aisle. I love watchin...
 So often we try and make following God more difficult than it is. We think His ways are so mysterious and get frustrated when we don't know exactly what to do. This verse helps us to stop and look at what God wants from us. We are to do what is right. The Hebrew also translates what is just, what is proper or fitting. We can always look at the Bible and see things that we know are right or wrong. If it is gossiping it is wrong. Coveting- wrong. Sleeping with someone else's spouse- wrong. When we are trying to figure out what God wants we can be assured He wants us to do things that are right. Our conscience helps us to know if something is right, although it is possible to sear our conscience and convince it that what we want is what is right. Always go back to the Word.  We can also know that God wants us to love and show mercy. Mercy is lovingkindness, goodness, and pity. I think this is one that many Christians are getting wrong today. We are quick to say what we think is ...