Planks and specks
A few years ago my husband and I were going through training to plant a church, and as part of the training we had to do a spiritual gifting/personality test. I do not remember exactly what my score was on that particular test, but I do remember that in the description of my trait it said I could have a tendency to be critical of other people’s plans or ideas. This was really a shocker to me. I tend to think of myself as a sweet, kind, and non- judgmental person, so when I read that I told my husband I thought the test was way off because I didn’t think that described me at all. I told him that I do not believe I criticize others plans or ideas. I said I don’t even have trouble following another person’s plans as long as it is not a stupid plan that is destined to fail. He immediately began laughing at me, and not just a little, and I immediately did not see the humor. He told...